Sustainable Harvesters is a a team of individuals that commited themselves to building a local, sustainable and educational farm in the North West of Houston, Texas. The goal of their farm is to provide their local community with fresh and healty produce and fish, free of pesticides, synthethic fertilizers, GMO's or growth hormones. Other than produce and fish, they aim to educate their local communities about aquaponics. To accomplish this, they have built strong relationships with local schools and universities.
Starting January of 2014, Sustainable Harvesters and Wunderlich intermediate (local school) will work together to bring the first edcuational aquaponics system in the greater Houston area. Other than that they have entered a partnership with Prairie View A&M University, allowing them to provide research internships to students looking into following a career path in agritculture.
Sustainable Harvesters currently has a facility up and running, but are looking forward to expanding it. They have started a kickstarter campaign to acquire the funds they need to realise this vast project. They need about $75.000 to fund their entire project, including electricity, insect screens, propane, water, sinks, preparation tables, coolers, concrete, generators, etc. The kickstarter project can be found here (link).
Other than their educational program, they also provide a store through which they sell a wide variety of products related to aquaponics and offer a consulting service. More information can be found on their website (link).
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